PKM (Personal Knowledge Management) 🪴

Ryder Carrol + Tiago Forte Interview


  • “Personal knowledge management gives us guidelines for how to manage all that content in a way that doesn’t overwhelm our own minds.”
  • The idea of “data debt” & archiving files at any time without needing to organize (use the power of search) ~ Digital gardening
  • “Organize ideas where they are going”
    • “Empower and enable people to realize their creative potential”
  • OG brains = good at pattern recogition, making connections, storytelling, emotions, imagination, collaboration
    • Not good at = memorizing SPECIFIC details
  • In search of a perfect app
    • “Imagine if a carpenter keeps delaying projects bc seeking perfect hammer. Or stop training bc need perfect shoe”
  • Good books
    • How to Take Smart Notes
    • Anne-Laure Le Cunff & digital gardens
    • Extended Mind
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